Tuesday, 1 November 2011

DIY shoes Pt1. Christmas Sparklers

Recently ive been diy'ing and customising a million and one of my pairs of heels so i thought id slowly but surely shows you them all. Ive tried to get pictures of before and after and some during.

Pair one; Silver Glitter Shoes.
I picked up a pair of gorgeous brand new silver newlook platforms from a charity shop a while ago but the silver was a tad dull, along these lines;

They need brightening up a tad while still being silver, so i grabbed glue and glitter.
Originally i used fine glitter but it didnt have quite the right affect.

So i eventually found some thick glitter and it covered beautifully!

(not as patchy as it looks, i promise)

They're beautiful and they sparkle amazingly in the light, especially party lights, perfect for Christmas.

With love,